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Meet the Director

John Gambale

Meet The Staff

John Gambale as been running the New England Storm from Day 1.  He has coached at various levels of  softball including high school and college.  John is currently the Assistant Softball Coach at Lynn Classical High School after spending two seasons at Brandeis University and two seasons at Eastern Nazarene College. 


John's journey in creating the Storm program began more than 20 years ago as a means of bringing opportunity to his daughters and other young girls in his community.


The Storm has grown over the years and evolved to meet the needs of the softball community. "I am particular in my coaching methods.  We strive to place a high focus on improving all of the players, which usually boils down to fundamentals.  I’ve been very concerned about which coaches I invite in.  I want consistency, a strong effort, and in an enjoyable atmosphere.  We have a coaching curriculum that all must follow.  This is a tremendous aid in delivering a consistent message to the players."

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